
No more custom comments form for me

Since I was unable to get the spam protection working in all browsers I had the normal custom comments form on my blog. The last few weeks I've been getting more and more spam posts. So I've decided to remove the custom comments form and to replace it with the Blogger popup version.

An other down side to the custom form was that you wouldn't get feedback when you used HTML tags that aren't allowed by Blogger. So no hard feelings. It's a change for the better from a usability point of view as well.


Johan Sundström said...

The reversion also means visual feedback during Blogger's recently rather frequent outages.

Anonymous said...

I hate blog spam. I've been hoping to add a "recent comments" feature to my blog with links to appropriate posts/comments but haven't dared do it because of the spam that would likely end up on a column of my site until I purge it out.

So annoying.

Gaby de Wilde said...


I'm still using a comment form, don't have any traffic so spam isn't a problem for me. but I think it can be fixed. I was looking at http:// or www in the post but that isn't easy nor friendly.

Maybe the form can appear after X seconds, where X is related to the number of caracters in the original topic + existing comments.